H. sapiens

SDL interaction


Gene Name Gene ID Diseases Drugs GO terms Orthologs
RPSA ENSG00000168028

No diseases in record

No drugs in record

virus receptor activity
structural constituent of ribosome
laminin receptor activity
protein binding
ribosome binding
laminin binding
RPS0A (S. cerevisiae)
RPS0B (S. cerevisiae)
rps-0 (C. elegans)
CD2AP ENSG00000198087

No diseases in record

No drugs in record

vascular endothelial growth factor receptor binding
structural constituent of cytoskeleton
protein binding
beta-catenin binding
protein C-terminus binding
SH3 domain binding
protein complex binding
cadherin binding involved in cell-cell adhesion
Y44E3A.4 (C. elegans)
cindr (D. melanogaster)